“The whole scene between Lt Cable and Emile DeBecque is brilliantly done.  From the solo by Jake Goz in “Carefully Taught” where he confronts his own racism to the finale of the scene when William Michals responds with a magnificent, nuanced and beautiful “This Nearly was Mine” the audience was in the palm of their hands.  They responded with thunderous applause. This scene alone is worth the price of attendance. It  was a bravura performance made even stronger by the absolute believability of the two primary actors.” (Eleanor Cade Busby, Boothbay Rewview)

“Jake Goz portrays Lt. Joseph Cable as both innocent and street savvy, and he delivers one of the most beautiful ballads in the show, “Younger Than Springtime,” with lyric grace and one of the most meaningful ones, “You’ve Got To Be Carefully Taught,” with pointed passion.” (BWW)

“Jake Goz gives a vocally stirring performance as Danny Zuko; you most definitely will have “chills that are multiplying”.” (BWW)

“Jake Goz is well-cast in the role of Joseph, a commanding stage presence who hits all the right theatrical notes. He brings Joseph to life and carries the narrative from beginning to end.” (Carol Robidoux, Manchester Ink Link)